Jorise Lee: First Experienced (hope it will be the last)

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Saturday, 8 June 2013

First Experienced (hope it will be the last)

I was suppose to be resting earlier tonight as I've just gone half way recovery by food poisoning. Let me tell you a story how I caught food poisoning. :/ 

One sunny Thursday morning, I went for facial  as i got my facial appointment in the morning. Done in an hour of treatment, went back home making heat to my curry mee which my dad had bought it for my lunch. Curry mee Half way cooked, something isn't body become colder.. I felt like vomiting but I didn't. My body temperature increasing slowly... and slowly... I called my dad to come back home quickly cause I almost K.O. that time...  and this is how it''s started by the dangerously powerful name of "FOOD POISONING".

Actually, I wasn't conscious at first that i caught FP. We thought it was just a high fever that's all. Boyfie after work, he suggest and brought me to clinic to seek some medication so that i could speed up my recovery because we have our Redang trip on the following week. So, what do you expect? clinic doctor just provide me Panadol that's all. I was like WTF panadol I can go 711 buy mah.......some more is beside his clinic only!!!! That really pissed me off.  Such a waste of money and time.. asking me so much questions ask for urine test some more. wtf. So I went back home took medicine and rest earlier. No choice upon choice. wtf. 

The next day, 31st May, it was my BIRTHDAY!!! Which nightmare begins.
I woke up early in the morning at 7am, boyfie checked my body temperature and it decrease. I was like YAY!!Finally!! and then boyfie bought me porridge before he went to work and my dad and bro had gone to Taiwan, again, i'm alone at home. Suddenly around 8am, my tummy...they started calling.. and calling.. diarrhea begins.. it has been continuously half an hour to the toilet until I have no strength at all. I was so dehydrated. I called my boyfie to come back home.. I ate some diarrhea pills..Till in the evening, diarrhea stopped. I thought everything was fine until late at night, it came back again. wtf.  Boyfie had enough of my sickness and he decided to sent me to the hospital. I remember it was 12.30am. My birthday just gone not long ago.=(  SADDEST birth year ever! Even the doctor wishing me happy birthday I remember when I was so suffering by stomachache.=.=''
One thing I hate admitting to the hospital is that I HATE needles! I could cry for it. I'm worst than a kid T.T

I have been into medical treatment in hospital for 5days, suffering from diarrhea for 8 days and it's still counting on days I guess. Since I've discharged from the hospital on last Wednesday, I thought, I'm all ok! no more fever, no more vomiting, no more diarrhea. wtf. I was all wrong. Caught food poisoning u think it's easy ah?! my friend once said.

So I have been searching all over GOOGLE may be I can get some information about the sickness and how to cure in a short period of time. (mayb I have one last chance to go to Redang trip).... Vomiting and diarrhea are some of the most common symptoms of food poisoning. The best way to speed up food poisoning recovery is by resting  and meals should be light and bland.

My redang trip canceled. I was so effing sad that no one could understands my feeling. NO ONE.T.T  I got no fate to Redang! big sigh! boyfie were sad too but not that sad as me i guess. I was once blaming myself that everything's my fault.=,( whyyyyyy whyyyy sick at the wrong time?! wtf.

I had my light meals for two days, today was the third day, and because of Chinese calendar it is chu1 of the month, I'm vegetarian. May be because of the vegetarian food is kinda oily, I have went to the toilet for almost 13 times today. wtf. I told myself, I will be fine tomorrow. So yeah, positive thinking and more resting is needed by now. so... Good night! =)

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