Jorise Lee: What is your acne breakout telling you?

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Wednesday 17 September 2014

What is your acne breakout telling you?

Dear readers, it's been a month now since I've posted on here. I actually was writing this post 3 weeks ago and I stopped writing due to some hectic plans and I apologise on my laziness to continue writing as well. Do you guys miss me?=p

So today, I am going to post about Face Mapping which what is your acne breakout telling you?
Have you ever wondered why you seem to breakout in the same place all  the time? There are reasons why your pimples pop out from your face but through those breakouts symptoms, most of the people will choose to buying products.. I know, we've been using products for awhile but nutrition is so important! You could have the most amazing skin complexion in the world but if you don't eat right, it will show on your skin.

When pimples/acne popping out from your skin, aggravating as it may be, your skin is trying to tell you something.. and that is why Traditional Chinese Medicine called the face-"The Window To your Health". Fore head, Cheek, nose, eyebrow, Chin, ear.. and all of these zone indicate what is happening on the inside of your body, so in this post I will show you the basics, so next time when the pimples pops out in one of those zones, you will know how to dress those problems to the core.

What your face says abut your health?

Upper Forehead
Upper forehead is directly link to the digested system. The larger intestine and bladder. When you got poor digestion and troubles with breaking down food, which can cause toxins to accumulate in your system. Ty to eat more antioxidant rich foods or drinks including green tea, lemon water and berries. 

Lower foreheadAccording to Chinese medicine, this is associated with your mind and spirit. If you have pimples popping up on your forehead, it might be due to irregular sleeping patterns, stress, depression, poor blood circulation.. So try to find ways to de-stress your mind. You could take a long calming bath before bed, watch a favourite movie, meditation exercises, or go on a SPA day with your friends. And to avoid this problem, try to SLEEP EARLY. Preferably before 11pm. (which is most of the people couldn't do.) lol..  

The nose reflects the heart. Pimples on the nose are caused by problems with blood pressure and stress. S
o if you are someone who drinks many energy drinks throughout the day, cut back! (you should cut back on these anyway for your overall health)  Eat slow energy releasing foods such as nuts and oats instead. To reduce your blood pressure, eat less salt more fruits and vegetables, maintain a healthy weight and active lifestyle, as well as reducing your alcohol intake. You should relax, relax and relax more!!!

Between Eyebrows
Breakout in this area might be caused by a diet that is high in fat and or too much consumption of alcohol. The solution is quite simple, you know what to do, or what I say you know what to do!  Also Try to avoid the likes of cheese, butter, cream and oils when ordering. In addition, do not eat late at night! Studies have shown that the body’s metabolism starts to slow down into the evening, preparing for the nights rest. Try to avoid eating late at night; especially right before bedtime as your body will not break down the food as effectively, leading to a toxin build up. If you have regular meal times set, try to keep your evening meal before 9pm, though some say avoid eating after 7pm. Love your liver by maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, eating leafy greens, avoiding drugs, alcohol and smoking, and reducing your fat intake.

Do you ever get stubborn little pimples on your ears? Thats when the kidneys are not taking care of. Kidney troubles are often caused by not drinking enough water and taking in too much salt and caffeine in your diet. So be sure to drink plenty of water during the day. 
Remember, your body generally needs around 8 large glasses of water a day. Cut back on food with a high salt content and try caffeine free tea’s and decaf coffee’s. Cranberry juice and legumes are great for promoting healthy kidneys! 

Upper Cheek
Your upper cheek is linked to your lungs. If you have breakouts and broken capillaries in this area, this can be caused by allergies or directly by smoking and passive smoking. The air you are breathing will show in this area of your face, so if, for example, you are living in a highly polluted area, you are more likely to break out in this area. However, if you sleep on the side of your face, or use your mobile phone on this side, the germs and dirt can be transferred and will clog your pores, causing breakouts. To prevent this, change your pillowcase at least once a week, and wipe down your phone with an antibacterial wipe every few days. Foods great for healthier lungs include, kale, sprouts and pumpkin.

Lower Cheek

Breakouts on your lower cheek can be an indication of poor dental hygiene. If you have any infections in your mouth, especially involving your gums, this will show on the outside too. Always keep on top of your dental health, brushing, mouthwash and flossing twice a day and regular check ups at the dentist at least twice a year! Don't just wait until you have a dental problem to make an appointment. Reduce fizzy drinks, sugary snacks, and check your getting enough calcium in your diet.

Center of Chin
It is linked with the stomach and small intestine. Pimples showed up here could be cause by eating too much fast food or constipation. Try to eat more fresh food with high fibres such as vegetables, fruits and whole grain foods. Fish and seeds will help maintain a healthy intestine.

Sides of chin

Pimples here are linked to issues with the reproductive organs and kidneys. Break out on this area often associated with the menstrual cycle of women, or some levels of hormonal imbalance, or t he kidneys working overtime! Most likely due to you putting yourself through extreme amount of stress, so I say.. RELAX!

Neck and Chest

Breakouts here are usually caused by stress. By practising stress relieving activities, such as yoga and meditation, can be able to take control de-stress and reduce breakouts in this area. Remember, the clothes you wear and the products you wash them in can irritate your skin and cause breakouts here too., as well as perfumes and body sprays. By eating asparagus, almonds and tuna also have stress relieving properties.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is so profound... But do take note that this hub has been designed as only a guide. It will not ring true for every acne sufferer but it can be used as an aid in starting to understand what your acne is telling you about your body. There are many external, sometimes uncontrollable factors that cause acne and there is never a perfect solution. By taking good care of our bodies and leading a healthy, active lifestyle, we can start to make the changes and improve our skins condition.

Well, Acne sucks. There, I said it. So sorry for being rude but you know it, I know it, heck even the acne knows it! lol!

So thank you guys for reading, I hope that this was 
helpful. and if you know somebody who has similar problems you can share this post with them.

♕ xoxo ♡♡

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